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 #   Notes   Linked to 
201 1940 US census listed as Janitor at chemical plant in Midland Michigan. Boarder in home of Anna Ellis(English) his aunt Brooker, Charles R (I5512)
202 1940 Us census lived with brother Ralph, her last name Peterson and was clerk in retail goods store Smart, Helen (I5654)
203 1940 US census lived with daughter Ruth and husband Albert Bell. Awrey, Nancy Jane (I534)
204 1940 US census Lloyd was railroad switchman Ellis, Lloyd Charles (I5487)
205 1940 US Census occupation bolt cutter at shingle camp Lofgren, Iner (I1203)
206 1940 US Census occupation Bolt cutter in shingle camp.
(cutting cedar to length for shingle mill) 
Nermo, Oscar Nilson (I1178)
207 1940 US Census occupation hire help on farm Silverdale, Kitsap County, Washington Nermo, Alfred Henry (I1177)
208 1940 US census occupation listed as roofer. Shows he lived same house in 1935 Awrey, Vernard Thomas (I1063)
209 1940 US census Radioman 1st Class for US Navy Awrey, James Erling (I1019)
210 1940 Us census Ralph was head of house and lived with sister Helen Peterson(b1912) and neice Erdine, dau of brother Jessie Smart, Ralph (I5645)
211 1940 US census Ray was a printer instructor. He and Emma lived at 1331 Garey Ave Pomona, California. There is a note in the street column that says Philadelphia so this may be the street. Colburn, Ray Palmer (I1215)
212 1940 US census Russell was shift foreman at chemical plant  Frost, Russell R (I5495)
213 1940 US census she is listed as an inmate at Wayne County Training School, Northville Twp, Michigan at the age of 12 Webb, Audrey Jean (I5547)
214 1940 US census she worked as a housekeeper in Highland Park City, Michigan. She went back to using her maiden name. Family F343
215 1940 US census shows wife Elsie born 1909.
Grave marker shows wife Emily born 1915 
Family F1854
216 1940 US census was conductor on Detroit street railway and divorced Bilski, Silas J. (I2089)
217 1940 US census worked as a contractor in building construction. Lived with wife and son David in Bremerton, Washington Westover, Jacob (I1337)
218 1940 US census worked as maid in house of Bert and Marie Gardiner, Highland Park, Wayne, Michigan Webb, Izetta A (I5545)
219 1940 US Census, Battle Ground, Clark County, Washington, USA Pender, James N. (I2373)
220 1940 US census, Bruce was investigator for US Internal Revenue Service Awrey, Bruce Bertrand (I706)
221 1940 US census, carpenter's helper, building construction Smithline, Kenneth Vivian (I3371)
222 1940 US census, Charles was laborer on road project. Family lived in Snohomish County, Washington Carpenter, Charles R. (I1191)
223 1940 US census, cheese maker for meat packing co Smithline, Elbert Laverne (I3369)
224 1940 US census, clerk in a candy store Smithline, June Nadine (I3375)
225 1940 US census, Employed in the water department in Bremerton Washington and lived with his parents Westover, David L (I5757)
226 1940 US census, family lived at 1225 14th St, San Bernardino, California. Nelson was accountant Family F2019
227 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family F2009
228 1940 US census, Family lived at 515 Fitzhugh, Midland, Michigan Family F1960
229 1940 US census, family lived in Esculapia Township, Benton, Arkansas, United States. Family F1837
230 1940 US census, farmer Smithline, Cedric Clair (I3367)
231 1940 US census, Frank is listed as Life Insurance salesman Archer, Frank Irving (I2984)
232 1940 US census, Henry was a lineman for the electric co. Ede, William Henry (I5786)
233 1940 US census, listed as carpenter in building construction Smithline, Ross (I1853)
234 1940 US census, Lived at 235 Shrader St., San Francisco with Blanche. Rent $37.00 mo and Bruce was laboratory technician in a hospital at $300.00 mo Colburn, Bruce Arthur MD (I1216)
235 1940 US Census, lived with Juanita's family at 121 Elm St, Modesto Calif Russell was commodities clerk Family F623
236 1940 US Census, occupation listed as Farmer (Dairy) Nermo, Per Persson (I1175)
237 1940 US census, she and sister Ada are listed as "farmerettes" Smithline, Jessie J (I1852)
238 1940 US census, she and sister Jessie are listed as "farmerettes" Smithline, Ada M (I1698)
239 1940 US census, shown as married, but living separate.
Purchasing agent for hospital supply co. 
Tromanhauser, Clarence H (I5919)
240 1940 US census, Thomas and wife Wanda lived with daughter Wanda, son Robert at 15440 Warwick Rd, Detroit Awrey, Thomas Lloyd (I922)
241 1940 US census, Waitress in cafe. Lived on E Main St Clarksville Arkansas. 1935 lived in Coffeyville Kansas
2 children listed, shown as married but no husband shown. 
Laura (I5700)
242 1940 US Census, Widowed, and Teacher in public school in Minneapolis Downer, Susan (I5212)
243 1940 US census, Wilber is listed as a chauffer Inman, Wilber L (I5522)
244 At least one living or private individual is linked to this note - Details withheld. Family F738
245 1941-42 played half-back for Hamilton Wild Cats (Tiger Cats)
in Ontario Rugby Football Union. from Ticat alumni website 
Awrey, Howard Barlow (I1308)
246 1941-42, 1944 QB for Hamilton Wild Cats (Tiger Cats) then playing in Ontario Rugby Football Union Wore #22. also 1938-39 and 1945 then known as Hamilton Tigers. wore # 22 and 42. from Ticat alumni association web.  Awrey, Hardy (I2494)
247 1950 US census, Bruce worked for the IRS. Maude was a bookkeeper for a mail order house.  Family F443
248 1950 US census, Dale worked in auto body shop. Sue was bookkeeper for various companies. Family lived at 973 Eleanor (Ave?) Pomona California Family F771
249 1950 US census, Glenn was in armed forces, family lived at 3934 Fleet St, San Diego Family F1886
250 1950 US census; Salesman for termite inspection co. Awrey, James Erling Jr. (I1133)

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