 | Hilda Morris Jan. 28, 2012 recovering in hospital. |
 | #6 Barcroft Rd, Bolton Home to Walker Almond, Ellen Barlow, Fred and Hilda Morris ne Almond and birthplace of Peirson and Grahame Morris before moving to Canada in 1948 (At least one living or private individual is linked to this item - Details withheld.) |
 | 18 Months of age, taken spring 1921 |
 | Hilda at 6 months, taken at Moss Bank, Smithills, Bolton |
 | Hilda in 1925, taken at Blackpool |
 | Photo taken at 31 Seaton Rd, Bolton, Oct 1985
L to R Julie, Hilda, Elsie, Angela |
 | Wedding photo |
 | Taken in 1938 |
 | Hilda and half-sister Doris in 1939 |