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 #   Notes   Linked to 
1551 Matthew Wayne LaBrake is the 2 x great grandson of Mary Margaret Awrey (b1856) LaBrake, Matthew Wayne (I4197)
1552 Mattie P. Nunneley is the cousin 3 times removed of Charlene Loretta Awrey(b1936) Nunneley, Mattie P. (I2596)
1553 Maurice Grant Baldwin is the great grandson of Mary Margaret Awrey (b1856) Baldwin, Maurice Grant (I3535)
1554 Mavis Eileen Baldwin is the great granddaughter of Mary Margaret Awrey (b1856) Baldwin, Mavis Eileen (I3529)
1555 Maxine Loretta Baldwin is the great granddaughter of Mary Margaret Awrey (b1856) Baldwin, Maxine Loretta (I3543)
1556 May 27 2011 Guelph Mercury Awrey, Milton (I1975)
1557 may have died at an early age, not on 1891 census Almond, Elsie (I5979)
1558 May instead be wife of Edward. Shown as witness to wedding of Mary Alice to John Leyland 1900 Allen, Hannah (I256)
1559 Maybelle Alice Reed is the granddaughter of Mary Margaret Awrey(b1856) Reed, Maybelle Alice (I3227)
1560 Melissa McDonald is the 2 x great granddaughter of Maria Awrey(b1858) McDonald, Melissa (I4247)
1561 Melissa was a twin to Evan. Both were born premature and unfortunately Melissa did not survive Morris, Melissa (I5927)
1562 Melvin Kerr is the grandson of Mary Margaret Awrey(b1856) Kerr, Melvin (I4150)
1563 Memorial on same stone as sister Margaret Ellen (McDougall) Mimosa Union Cemetery, Erin, Ontario Awrey, Frances (I1081)
1564 Merchant in Smithville, Ontario and land owner in Grimsby having received grant from the crown for 200 acres
info fron Karen Chamberlain 
Bush, John (I5443)
1565 Michael Christopher Keene is the 3 x great grandson of Mary Margaret Awrey (b1856) Keene, Michael Christopher (I4515)
1566 Michael James Denny is the 2 x great grandson of Matilda Awrey (1871) Denny, Michael James (I4334)
1567 Michael John Klein is the 2 x great grandson of Maria Awrey(b1858) Klein, Michael John (I4239)
1568 Michael Lorne Grover is the 2 x great grandson of Mary Margaret Awrey (b1856) Grover, Michael Lorne (I4102)
1569 Michael Lynn Nutter is the 4 x great grandson of Elizabeth Ellen Awrey Nutter, Michael Lynn (I4388)
1570 Michael Paul Ridge is the great grandson of Maria Awrey(b1858) Ridge, Michael Paul (I3680)
1571 Michael Scott Vail is the 4 x great grandson of Elizabeth Ellen Awrey(b1816) Vail, Michael Scott (I4437)
1572 Michigan Deaths and Burrials 1800-1995 Awrey, Thomas Woodrow (I938)
1573 Michigan, Marriages, 1822-1995," index, FamilySearch Family F641
1574 Michigan, Marriages, 1868-1925 She had been married once previous (John Wesley Awrey) Beer, Emma Jane (I806)
1575 middle name according to family Bible Ede, George Thompson (I2623)
1576 Minerva Nunneley is the cousin 3 times removed of Charlene Loretta Awrey(b1936) Nunneley, Minerva (I2591)
1577 Minnesota census 1905 Awrey, Ella M. Myrtie (I1042)
1578 Minnesota census 1905 Awrey, (baby) (I1043)
1579 Minnesota death index 1908-2002 Awrey, James Henry Moss (I1007)
1580 Minnesota deaths and burials 1835-1990 Awrey, Oris Brym (I1045)
1581 Minnesota Deaths and Burrials 1835-1990 Awrey, Joshua (I488)
1582 Miss Olive Awrey / Mrs. Olive Major taught at Coningsby School, S.S. #5 (1921-1922); Hillsburgh School, S.S. #6; May School, S.S. #12, and from 1947 to 1968 at Erin Public School. In 1970, she was appointed Erin Township Librarian at Hillsburgh. Awrey, Olive Myrtle (I495)
1583 Morley Judson Gibson is the grandson of Mary Margaret Awrey (b1856) Gibson, Morley Judson (I3207)
1584 Most children from 1910 US census Family F2307
1585 Motor vehicle accident McCullough, Milton George (I787)
1586 Moved to Manitoba after marriage to David Smith. Didn't work out and she moved back to Hillsburgh and lived with dau Ethel and husband John McFee. (gr dau Jean Turnbull) Irvin, Ellen (I557)
1587 moved to Michigan 1854 Obit says he had three daughters, six sons Groner, Jacob (I6463)
1588 Moved to Minnesota in 1887. Born in Canada in 1869, Awrey was an evangelist, Bible teacher, and later missionary. His family moved to Minnesota when he was a teen. After accepting salvation in a Methodist church at age 21, Awrey attended college in the holiness hotbed of Delaware, Ohio. He began to hunger for deeper spiritual experience while reading J. A. Wood's Perfect Love. On New Year's Eve in 1890, Awrey felt the "old man¯" being rooted out of his heart, and during a prayer meeting the following evening he suddenly starting speaking in tongues after seeing a flame shoot toward his head. (Although there is no record of Awrey testifying to the later experience until after he embraced the Azusa Street revival in 1906.) As shadowy as he was intriguing, Awrey next appears in the standard pentecostal histories as a leader of the Fire-Baptized movement in Tennessee from 1898 to 1900. Then he drops off our radar scope again until he traveled in 1906 to Azusa Street,here he accepted the pentecostal message of Holy Ghost baptism as the true "third blessing"¯ and speaking in tongues as the invariable initial evidence of it. After several years of teaching this new light in California and Oklahoma, Awrey then carried the Azusa message around the world three times before succumbing in Liberia to fever in 1913. Info from pctii.org Awrey, Daniel P. (I673)
1589 Moved to USA and worked on railroad. Russell, Archibald (I758)
1590 MPP for Wentworth South from Jun 5,1879 to Jan 28 1898.
Ontario commissioner to World Exposition Chicago 1893 
Awrey, Nicholas (I514)
1591 Much of the information surrounding Elgin, found on find-a-grave and forwarded by Lisa Goodman Awrey, Elgin G (I5731)
1592 Murray Ian Jamieson is the great grandson of Sarah Ann Awrey(bMar1856) Jamieson, Murray Ian (I3792)
1593 Myrtle Hazel Hussey is the granddaughter of Mary Awrey(b1845) Hussey, Myrtle Hazel (I2471)
1594 Myrtle MacLean is the granddaughter of Sarah Ann Awrey(b1846) MacLean, Myrtle (I3123)
1595 Myrtle Marie Reed is the granddaughter of Mary Margaret Awrey(b1856) Reid, Myrtle Marie (I3234)
1596 N B Baldwin is the granddaughter of Mary Margaret Awrey(b1856) Baldwin, N B (I3251)
1597 N E Peto is the 2 x great grandson of Mary Margaret Awrey (b1856) Peto, N E (I4129)
1598 Nadine Audrey Coleman is the 2 x great granddaughter of Mary Margaret Awrey (b1856) Coleman, Nadine Audrey (I4107)
1599 name and birth given by Ron Baldwin Baldwin, Katelyn Ann (I5020)
1600 Name and information confirmed by Ron Baldwin Baldwin, Jared Ryan (I4093)

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